Admission Facts
Applications are considered on their individual merit. Applicants are required to furnish complete details of the examinations and qualifications they have already attained.
Students must develop strong opinions about various issues, be generally aware and focus on critical thinking. They are a cohesive part of understanding, and firm up balanced viewpoints. The differentiating factor of admission, presentation skills, having an open mind, not being too aggressive or too submissive, and putting forth points with confidence, are key factors. speaking out clearly and coherently, having well-prepared answers to questions related to work, the choice of a particular subject, the learning from it, and how it can help them to shape the future, are vital for progress.
Students need to qualify to an equivalent level after 12 years of full time study to be considered for entry to the first year of a degree Program. Ability to understand, write and speak English must be sufficient to cope with studies. TOEFL test conducted by MACEE and the IELTS conducted by the British Council are the tests undertaken. In order to help new overseas students to improve and develop linguistic and academic skills language tuition in English is provided.
Learning opportunities for determined students to pursue their dreams are provided. Malaysia serves as a platform for students of all cultures, ethnicity and backgrounds to realize their potential creatively and collectively and the admission process is simple and straightforward. An internationally recognized degree can be earned at a lower cost.
The distinguished lecturers make the difference. They encourage, help and give time and help the students to overcome challenges and improve their ideas. Studying in Malaysia will open up new experiences for international students. Malaysia is known for her diversity of cultures, natural beauty and modern business environment and efficient workforce.